Thursday, March 10, 2011

You are who you are

So sociologists and psychologists have this whole thing with "Nature" v "Nurture", are we who we are because we are born that way, or is the society around us what molds us into the horrible monsters angels that we are?
Me? I'm more for Nurture. Sure we can be born with some things (ie. diseases) but many are easy to change. Nurture on the other hand, nurture is everything. It's what you see, what you learn. It is you.

Would you be who you are today if you had different parents? If you were raised in a different country?
If I never watched a single episode of Grey's Anatomy, if my mother wasn't a heartless, cold [insert really bad word], if I were to have had friends when I was younger instead of creating my own worlds, and writing; would I still be me?
No, I'd be a different me.

Yes, I was born with blue eyes and blonde hair, that is my 'nature', but No that doesn't make me who I am. There are colored contacts, there is hair dye––which I am a prominent user of; and why do we change ourselves? Because society tells us to, in little itty bitty hints, whenever a new show or movie or ad comes out. 'Be skinny' They tell us 'Eat Organic'.
Everywhere you turn, bam, society, shoving helpful hints of who you should be and what you should eat, wear, do.

Me? I'm outgoing, but I blush like a madwoman even when I don't actually feel embarrassed...I have nightmares about television shows and I care way too much about fictional characters. I like blood, dead people, I have a passion for writing but all those things about me, they would be different. If even just one thing had been changed about my life when I was younger, things would be different.


  1. aaah, your dream was so sad

    i think society definitley shapes us
