Saturday, March 5, 2011

We are all going to die

It's a pretty hard subject. Death. You are born, you live, you die. I mean that's it. For most of life we're confused and lost, we're babies.
It's naive and juvenile to think anything other than death is imminent. We are put here on this earth, we are born and created for nine months, nurtured through our toddler years, cared for in our preteens. We rebel in our teens, against parents, against the world. Then we enter the world on our own, some of us succeed and others, others fail. But succeeding in life doesn't necessarily mean becoming a doctor or a lawyer like our parents would like for us to think it does. Succeeding means being happy. So if you're happy staring in porn, being a struggling author, or in fact with your hands in a bloody chest cavity you are succeeding.
Life is short. So short. So why would you ever want to do something that makes you unhappy?
You are going to die. Say it to yourself. "I am going to die." You could die today, tomorrow, fifty years from now. It doesn't matter. It is going to happen. So why are you still torturing yourself; working for that boss that doesn't understand how good you really are, hiding in a closet when all you really wanna do is scream to world 'I'm gay', or living with a spouse that you can't stand. It's called divorce and it's okay. You. You need to be happy. Nobody else is going to make you happy. We're all looking out for ourselves. Now of course you can't be happy all the time. Life isn't perfect, but we have choices. We have some control. So look out for yourself. Are you, right now, happy?
Makes you think, doesn't it.
Let's try an excersise
This is inspired by Morrie...or rather really Mitch.
'You have 24 hours to live, and you can do anything. Anything that makes you happy. What is your perfect day?'
Mine would start off with me waking up around 4:30am. I'd have a perfect cup of black coffee (no cream, no sugar) and I'd go to my computer and write. I'd write for a good 3 hours, finish a novel, or maybe just write a short story. I'd take a shower, let the water soak me into a raisin. Get dressed in something that makes me feel beautiful. Dab on a little makeup. Then I'd go to brunch with everyone I know. Order the most delicious most expensive thing on the menu, the fattier the better, and actually sit and eat food. We'd talk...about anything and everything. I'd hop on a plane, with only those closest to me. Go to a remote beach. I'd read a book, any good book, before running of and making love for the last time in a reef. Then I'd take out the chairs, have my feet in the current of the water, moon shining on us and have food served. A bottle of champagne, to celebrate a good life. We'd talk. Laugh. Cry.

What's yours?


  1. Whats mine?

    I'd get together with all my favorite people and we'd hang out and eat and have fun. I'm easy lol

  2. i tell everyone who i ever loved how much they meant to me spend the day with them and do the thing i always wanted to do - and do something that would make a difference even if it was a small thing .

  3. I'd spend it with the people who mean the most to me and tell them all the things I always wanted to tell them.
    I know it sounds cheesy but...

  4. I would tell everyone I care for that they matter and that they are loved! I would fly to the warmest place I could find and dance around naked in the sun! I would eat mushroom gnocchi, cupcakes, bacon, lollipops, venicen jerky, curry, calimari, chocolate cake, fig flat bread, an pan, cherries, whipped cream, eggs, and anything else I could find. I would have a giant orgy of love in the sunlight and the water. I would go sailing, and skydiving, and parasailing, and I'd get a tattoo, and I'd pet a dog, and read a book, and drink some margaritas, watch Thelma and Louise, watch some porn, eat some popcorn, and generally be merry.
