Monday, March 21, 2011

I love food

Every culture has it's own specialty;
Russian Borscht, Italian Pasta, Spanish Rice
but every subculture has its own specialty too;
Your moms brownies, Grandmas soup, or even your younger cousins mud pies.

Me? I love food. I love to cook, I LOVE to eat
and I love to watch people cook. I will try anything once...and more than once...and more than twice. I feel it is impossible for me not to like a certain food, I just need to find the perfect combination.

"Trying new things adds years to your life"
I get kind of annoyed with people who refuse to try a food because it looks funny or they don't like an ingredient.

It's food! It has a 95% chance of being delicious...HOW DO YOU SAY NO?!
So yes it is a little awkward sometimes being the only one at the table ordering something I can't pronounce while others stay safe with a salad. Then I shovel it down, enjoying every last bite.
I love food, I love eating.
Pizza bores me, unless I'm in Italy, sitting on a beach 'Italian' Pizza in hand.
McDonald's is disgusting, as is all fast food.
I try new things, I'll combine the most random ingredients and it'll taste delicious, but it may have some awkward green color and others will run in the other way.
Give me rabbit, grasshopper and escargot. Excite me.

Maybe it's because I tend to take more risks in my every day life that I have no problem chowing down on some bull testicles. What's the worst that can happen? I'm not gonna die? Some cultures live off this stuff every day. Why be close minded? Because our society shelters us? No. I refuse to live in a closed off world.

So the next time someone offers you something slimy, green, and maybe even smelly don't say no.
Take it. Live life on the edge. It's only food.


  1. I'm with you on this! I'd rather eat a self made sandwich than any fast food, it all tastes the same... Picky people annoy me as well. Especially when they won't even try something they never had before.
    Basically I like to eat everything and the highlight of being in a different country is always the opportunity to taste the local food, I love that!

  2. omg I love food. Italian is my favorite followed my Mexican. I recently discovered I like shrimp however the shrimp taco from Taco Bell? not so good.
    I can't cook though. All I can make is grilled cheese and mac and cheese.
    McDonalds IS gross however I will eat it in Mexico and Australia. Its much less greasy and in Australia they use Aussie beef. Much yummy IMO
