Monday, February 7, 2011

Freaks and Geeks

Before I start, can I just say how cute he grew up? (Gotta have love for Dr. Sweets)
Hehe...Where was I?
Oh right, conflict perspective. The conflict perspective is a view of society that posits conflict as a normal feature of social life. According to its adherents, conflict influences the distribution of power and the direction and magnitude of social change.
So basically bullies bully to climb up the power chain. 
Freaks and geeks; the nerds (shown as upper class) get picked on by the seemingly lower class bullies, druggies, 'freaks'. Isn't that the way it's always been? The weak get picked on by the stronger, tougher, bigger kids; the ones that seem to have all the power?
Now which one are you? Don't say anything...close your eyes, picture a small and defenseless kid. Are you his friend? Or are you stuffing him into locker 213? Keep your eyes closed. There is a big kid standing in front of you, huge. They're snarling. Are you the weak and defenseless one getting shoved in a locker? Or are you even bigger than that kid? Can you take them on?
Are either of these positions you want to be in? Either the weak or the bully?
Don't sit their shaking your head at your computer screen, don't pretend you never said anything behind someone's back, or took a path that you knew would help put you on top. Being on top is where we all want to be. It's what we should be aiming for, but people do get hurt in the process. If you snicker at the girl with the mismatching socks, or avoid the hallways you know the guy with tattoos, who chain smokes takes then you are acknowledging that the way we see people, and the way we group them in society makes us links in the chain for power.
So are you a bully? a nerd? a jock? a freak? a geek? Are you just another link on the chain?


  1. I have to say Sweets is adorbs! <3

    I would be a geek. For sure. Or a not a nerd. A geek. And a freak. I was never bullied but there were people in middle school and high school who were because they weren't as cool/popular or were too smart.

    Freaky geek. thats that I am. Freaky geeks are cool.

  2. I agree with the Sweets:) And I am firmly in the geek category... although, I can be quite nerdish...

  3. Awww Dr sweets very lovely :)

    Id say I am a geek, wasn't bullied bu defo not in the cool crowd :)
