Thursday, February 10, 2011

Yes or No

Have you ever noticed that life is a series of questions? I know, that was deep, I felt the goosebumps too, don't worry you're not alone.
Seriously though, it seems everywhere you turn you're asked to sign something, agree to something, choose one thing over the other. Doctors ask you questions, teachers ask you questions. Your dates! Your dates basically consist of questions...and nudity...but mainly questions.
Sometime I wonder if anybody is even bothering to read what I'm taking the time to fill out. So here is a survey, a questionnaires if you will. And I promise I'll read it :)

On Grey's Anatomy I support
-Owen and Cristina
-Alex and Izzie
-Mark and Callie
-Callie and Arizona
-Mark and Lexie
-Meredith and Derek
-Other (Please put your favorite)
*Choose one and answer in the box below.

Now wasn't that fun? But did I learn anything about YOU as a person or did you just become a number in the survey.
Surveys are like that, they are after one basic thing, they don't care if you've been watching the show since 2005 and you've changed your favorite couples ten times. They want to know what you like now, they want to know quick and then they leave you alone.
Interviews on the other hand, interviews get to know the real you. People who care about really (and I mean really) getting to the heart of the topic, they'll ask to interview you, they'll ask why Cristina and Owen are you're favorite, they'll ask which couple is your least favorite; they might even bring up your parents relationships, and your relationships, that way they know every thought that went through your head when you decided that Mark and Callie were perfect for each other.
Telemarketers are pros at surveys, they ask you a simple question: Sir/Mam, could I interest you in a [insert useless product or service here]? Personally I usually pick up and hang up before they can say anything, or if I'm in a really cranky mood I'll yell...and I'll yell loud. If I'm feeling funny I'll pick up and answer in an accent, pretending to be my own housekeeper. I know it's "wrong" but I spend my day answering so many questions that I really don't need someone calling my house asking me if I am happy with my current television network. If I wasn't happy, I would do something about it. Would it be different if they started with 'Hi, my name is [Sarah/Beth/John/Bob] and I'm calling to get to know what you think about [Insert Television show], Oh you don't get the channel that plays that show? Well let me tell you about [insert Dish Network, Comcast, blah blah blah].'
I'd like to think I'd put my accent away and listen, but knowing me, I'd probably just end up slamming the phone in its stand.


  1. On Grey's Anatomy I support

  2. On Grey's Anatomy I support


  3. Owen and Cristina.

    I do the same BTW. It's really annoying so why shouldn't you have some fun with it? But since we're not in the phonebook anymore it got less.

  4. On Grey's Anatomy I support


  5. On Grey's Anatomy I support:


  6. I support
    Owen & Cristina
    Arizona & Callie
    Meredith & Derek

    Omg, aren't those survey calls annoying like hell? I usually hang up the phone after telling them that I have no time for this...

  7. Not sure I support any of them. I think I like Cristina and owen, but his character is lacking in depth and lately so is hers. I like the relationships better on private practice... is that totally taboo to say? They do a much better job of showing how to communicate with one another
