Monday, May 2, 2011

Money Money Money

Must be funny, in a rich mans world
Wealth; a great quantity or store of money, valuable possessions, property, or other riches.
I admit, when it comes to money I have been very lucky in life.  I can afford to splurge on little things I don't need and pamper myself once in a while. I drive a nice car, I live in a nice house, I buy nice things because I can. Does that make me wealthy? Maybe. But rich? I don't think it does.
Life doesn't deal you all the perfect cards, otherwise it would be too easy. Family has always been a problem for me. I never had that support system at home, never had that safe haven. In school kids were mean to me, at home my mother was mean to me; I couldn't win. I grew up quickly because I had to (maybe around the age of 5/6), it was either grow up or die, and I choose to live.
So I made some decisions I probably shouldn't have, risked my life with other things and then I just stopped caring what other people thought.
F*ck them. They think they're better than you? Let them. They wanna try and tear you down? Stand taller.
Money and valuables, they don't make you happy. They wont make you friends.
Wealth may be money, but it isn't the most important factor in your life. It'll make life easier, sure, but it won't make you happy. The richest person in the world, take a look at them, do they wear a smile on their face? There are plenty of people who share studio apartments with 3 people. They work hard, they don't earn money, but they're happy. They're loved.
Money is money. In the end we all die penniless.
So enjoy the life you have, wether you have hundred spilling out of your pocket or you're just getting by.
You just need to keep trying,  keep working but also stop and enjoy life (whatever life you have) from time to time.

Don't look at the persons wallet, look at their heart. Are they happy? Wealthy?
Which would you rather be; and you can't pick both


  1. I think I'd rather be happy, for sure. what's the point in having all the money in the world but no love or happiness? They say the best things in life are free and it's true. Laughing with your friends until you cry...well things like this are priceless. Plus, what's the point in having nice things if you're too miserable in life to even enjoy them?

  2. I grew up in the ghetto in Cincinnati my life wasn't a fairy tale but I can tell you I laughed and played and enjoyed myself for the most part. I spent most of my adult life being jealous of those who had more then me then I found out that they were just as miserable then I was. I stopped worrying about what I don't have and focused on what I do have a beautiful boy whom I adore wealth comes and goes happiness can stay for a long time you have to know how to balance it I am wealthy in ways that you couldn't imagine but I have no money I have experience money can buy you a lot of things it can also get you into a lot of trouble so I think I will stick with happiness it goes a long way

  3. When I was a kid we didn't have much money but I didnt know that. My parents gave me what they could and they didn't teach us to think that money = happiness. I was happy with my clearance Barbies from the dollar table at the cheap store.

    I'm lucky to have had awesome grandparents. They set up an educational trust for my sister and I which pays all our educational expenses; transportation to and from school (since I commute) and the travel expense pays for my car. I bought a new laptop because I use it for school (for the most part). While I love it and its great, I wish I could share it because some of my friends have student loans and financial aid and I had money just given to me.

    Money doesn't make you happy, what you choose to do with it does.

  4. Well add to all your problems poorness and you get - my life.

    I agree that money isn't everything but I WOULD be much happier if I had it because it would help me to run away drom my problems.

    But if I had to choose if I'd rather get rid of my family or money problems I'd get rid of my family problems. They are what make my life miserable. I could be happy if I wouldn't have money but people who truly love and take care of me.
