Sunday, May 15, 2011


Have you ever said "I don't see you as black/asian/latino" to a person of color?
I hear it all the time, and the worst part is, the people who say it don't realize that pretending to be colorblind is really belittling the person you're talking to.
I am white. I didn't choose to be white, but I was born that way.
My best guy friend is black, he didn't choose to be black.
Sandra Oh, the actress who plays my favorite character in TV history, she's Asian...Korean. She didn't choose to be.
We are all human. So we have different pigmentation, it doesn't mean that we don't have the same insides. Peel off our skin and you have muscle, veins, arteries, bones. That's what makes us human. Not our skin.

When MerDer fans found out that their precious ship was going to adopt a baby, and more to the matter, a 'black' baby, racial comments spewed all over the internet.
I sat there going, "good for them, they're finally going to have the family they wanted."
It was only after they saw beautiful Zola in Derek's arms that they came around, whats worse, is they acted like just a week ago they hadn't made hateful remarks.
You're going to see color. It's always going to be there right in front of you. What matters is what you do with what you see.
When I see a man, no matter what 'race' he may be, the first thing that goes through my head is whether I find him attractive. I like men, so it doesn't matter to me what shade your skin is, if I'm attracted to you then I'm attracted to you.
If you're black. Awesome. We'll have beautiful chocolate children together.

There is no 'ghetto' way of talking. There is proper English...and then there's not.

It's a little scary how naive people are to our past, to the way people of color are treated. Most white people I know take the fact that they are white for granted. They don't even give it a second thought.
I see acts of racism and discrimination every day, I don't understand how people can treat other people that way.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. The first thing I think of when I see someone is like who they are, not their race. J knew the merders would bitch about the adoption because it's not 'mcbaby'. But I never thought theyd have a problem with Zola bein African.
